17 Days

This tour is designed for birding enthusiasts, where you will visit different spots in Colombia surrounded by great nature and where you will also have the chance to observe great bird species. Our country is known for having the largest diversity of bird species in the world. This trip aims to have low carbon footprint as the transportation is mainly by road, with just 2 internal flights.
Here you can expect to visit great ecolodges with beautiful details and have a comfortably experience visiting also the main cities of the country. You will be able to admire great and very diverse landscapes by completely different ecosystems at each region, also with the chance to observe wildlife, depending how deep in nature you want to get at each destination.
Itinerario Ampliar todo
Day 1
Una persona de nuestro equipo le estará esperando a su llegada al aeropuerto El Dorado de Bogotá y le llevará al hotel. En el camino, le dará un briefing de toda la experiencia con algunos consejos y recomendaciones para un viaje placentero. Posteriormente, dispondrá del resto del día libre para recuperarse del vuelo o explorar la ciudad por su cuenta.
Day 2
On this day, you will be taken to a hummingbird observatory located in rural area of the town of La Calera, where you can easily observe more than 14 different species in that place. Later on, you will be taken the Chingaza National Park located 60 kms away from Bogota, where you will have talk by the local authorities, before heading to the cabins inside the protected area, where you will check-in and will acclimatize sleeping at 3.240 m.a.s.l.
Day 3
On this day, we can optionally wake up early to observe birds of the national park. After breakfast, we will explore the spectacular landscapes of Chingaza and its lagoons, looking for the spectacled bear by car. We can optionally do some hikes up to 10 kms by some trails of the Paramo ecosystem learning about the endemic plants, and animals of the protected area the whole day. At the end of the day, we will get back to the cabin to have dinner and rest.
Day 4
On this day, we can optionally wake up early in the morning for a bird watching activity. After breakfast, we will get deeper inside the national park and can either look for the Andean bear by car or by hiking different trails by the hidden spectacular landscapes of the Colombian Andes. With some luck we might see the Andean bear among other endemic species of the place. After lunch, we will get back to Bogota to spend the night and rest in a comfortable hotel.
Day 5
On this day, you will have a transfer to be at the airport of Bogota 2 hours before your flight to Pereira. Once there, you will be taken in a 2.5-hrs. transfer to the Montezuma Rainforest Lodge, which is very famous place due to its level of endemism. You can enjoy the afternoon in the feeders of the place and can walk by the surroundings where you can see the first hummingbirds and other bird species.
Day 6
En este día, lo llevaremos a las 5:30 AM en un transporte de 2 horas por las montañas del Parque Nacional Tatama, donde será llevado al punto más alto de observación de aves de la zona a 2.550 m.s.n.m. donde el objetivo es observar aves como en este destino que es el hogar de más de 600 especies diferentes de aves y más de 70 especies endémicas colombianas. Puedes explorar tanto como quieras las partes más altas hasta los 1.900 m.s.n.m. antes de regresar al lodge.
Day 7
Este día lo llevaremos a las 5:30 AM en un transporte de 1 hora por el mismo camino del día anterior, pero esta vez comenzará a observar aves desde los 1.900 m.s.n.m. bajando hasta los 1.300 m.s.n.m. del albergue. Tendrás todo el día disponible para observar tantas aves como quieras con tu guía experto, esta vez con el objetivo de ver diferentes especies debido a la menor altitud. También verá una vegetación más densa y con algo de suerte otro tipo de fauna.
Day 8
On this day, you will have breakfast and after that will leave the reserve. Then you will have a 5-hrs. transfer to Jardin, passing by wild mountains and roads full of green landscapes. On the way you will have the chance to observe different bird species on the last part of the road before arriving to Jardin. Once you arrive, you will check-in at the hotel and can enjoy this town, which is one of the most beautiful in the region.
Day 9
On this day, after breakfast, you will visit the Andean cock-of-the-rock reserve, where you can easily observe this famous bird in an identified lek of the place. After lunch you can visit some waterfalls of the region, where you can enjoy the pristine nature of this unspoiled destination, you can visit the lookout with a great view of the area or you can just relax in this quiet town that has several secrets to be discovered in its walkable streets.
Day 10
On this day, after breakfast you will have a 4-hrs. ground transfer to Medellin. Once there, you will be welcomed and taken to your hotel located in El Poblado neighborhood, a great area of this city, which is easy to get by and you will have a free afternoon. Your hotel also has one of the greatest restaurants of the city and there are nice places to visit in this, which is named the eternal-spring city due to its great weather all year round.
Day 11
On this day, you will have a full day tour starting at 9:00 AM visiting in the morning the Comuna 13, which is one of the most famous activities in this city, where you can see the transformation and evolution from a violence past to a modern city. In the afternoon you will visit the most famous spots of the downtown such as Botero and light squares, the national palace, La Alpujarra, Carabobo Street, among others, before getting back to the hotel.
Day 12
On this day, you will have a free morning to enjoy the last moments at the eternal-spring city and later you will have a transfer to the airport of Medellin 2 hours before your flight to Santa Marta. Once there, you will have a 1-hr. transfer from the airport to your ecolodge located next to Tayrona National. Your hotel has a great pool and it is next to a pristine beach that you can enjoy in the afternoon at leisure.
Day 13
On this day, you will have a transfer at 8:00 AM to Tayrona National Park, where you will begin a guided hike along its trails, where you will be able to appreciate its rocky landscapes and wild beaches. With a little luck you will be able to see some fauna along the way and contemplate the unique landscape of this place until you reach the famous San Juan del Guia cape. In the afternoon you will return by walk and then by vehicle to the hotel.
Day 14
On this day, you will be picked up at 9:00 AM and will have a 3-hrs. transfer to your accommodation, located in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, which has the highest mountains next to the ocean in the world. First you will pass by Minca and then you will head to the reserve located at 1.695 m.a.s.l. You will have a guide the whole day in order to do wildlife observation along the way from the sea level to the elevation of the place.
Day 15
On this day, we will wake up at 4:30 AM in order to take you to Cuchilla de San Lorenzo located at more than 2.100 m.a.s.l. with the chance to observe different bird species due to the elevation of the area. During the rest of the day, we will continue exploring the very well-preserved jungle with several butterflies, reptiles, birds, waterfalls and pristine nature in this special biodiversity spot between the snow-capped tropical mountains and the ocean.
Day 16
On this day, you will have a second guided birdwatching activity in this area, which is one most famous nationwide for this activity, due to its geographical location and well-preserved ecosystems, having hundreds of endemic species and some of them in critical danger of extinction. During the rest of the day, you can enjoy the great landscapes of the place and do some optional hikes, before having a 3-hrs. transfer to your hotel in Santa Marta.
Day 17
Este día desayunará en el hotel. Tendrás un traslado incluido para llevarte al aeropuerto internacional de Santa Marta con el fin de estar 3 horas antes de tu vuelo fuera del país o 2 horas antes de las conexiones de vuelo dentro de Colombia.
Información de costos
Información de costos
El precio incluye
- ALOJAMIENTO Hotels of different categories depending on the destination in double occupancy.
- ACTIVIDADES All the activities mentioned in the plan, in private tours & transportations.
- COMIDAS 16 breakfasts, 11 lunches and 7 dinners.
- TRASPORTES All the transfers between cities, towns and wildlife reserves are private.
- GUIANZA English speaking guides throughout the trip for all activities.
- TARJETA DE ASISTENCIA MEDICA El tour incluye una tarjeta de asistencia en viaje para todos los días que cubre posibles accidentes, atención médica y transportes de emergencia para una rápida respuesta en caso de ser necesario según el tiempo de evacuación durante las actividades y nivel de atención médica en el destino.
El precio no incluye
- Vuelos internacionales.
- Actividades, bebidas adicionales o elementos no descritos en el plan
- Propinas, snacks y souvenirs.
- Artículos personales no descritos en el itinerario.
- Guías/traductores que hablan otros idiomas.
Opciones Adicionales
Opciones Adicionales
- Guías/traductores que hablen otros idiomas, según disponibilidad de guías para la fecha deseada, en este caso se aconseja reservar con antelación.
- Excursiones privadas para grupos más pequeños que no desean compartir actividades y transportes.
- Habitaciones individuales privadas para una sola persona (precio bajo petición).
- Upgrade to a higher accommodation that can be quoted upon request and confirmation of availability in that hotel
Que Llevar
Que Llevar
- Sombrero y/u otro tipo de protección solar para la cabeza y el cuello.
- Camisas de manga larga para evitar quemaduras solares y picaduras de mosquitos durante las actividades al aire libre.
Pantalones cómodos y evitar llevar jeans.
- Bring waterproof clothing and/or rain poncho.
- Appropriate footwear for the hikes, trekking boots are necessary and several pairs for change as footwear can get wet during the hikes.
- Swimming suit, towels and water shoes for the days in front of the sea.
- Protector solar y repelente de mosquitos.
- Personal binoculars are mandatory and cameras are highly recommended.
- Protección para dispositivos electrónicos, ya que pueden ser susceptibles de sufrir daños debido a la humedad y/o la lluvia.
- Recipiente rígido no desechable para rellenar agua (cantimplora o termo).
- Documentos personales y cuente con su propio seguro médico.
- Medicamentos personales y botiquín de primeros auxilios.
It is necessary to be properly prepared for the weather conditions on the travel dates, which are detailed below, but as this is an approximation, please note that they may vary. You will visit several rural areas, where communications might be difficult and also you need to take into account that not everywhere you can find bilingual staff or people at the destinations.
Bogotá D.C. (Days 01-02-04):
Temp. Min: 8ºC Max: 16ºC, slightly humid climate / (2600 m.a.s.l.)
Buena señal de teléfono y wi-fi.
Some locals and people at the hotel speak fluent English.
Chingaza National Park (Days 03-04):
Temp. Mín: 6ºC Max: 14ºC, clima húmedo / (3.000-3.750 m.s.n.m.)
No phone signal and good wi-fi.
Tendrá un guía bilingüe, pero los lugareños no hablan inglés.
Pereira (Days 05-07):
Temp. Mín: 10ºC Max: 25ºC, clima húmedo / (1411 m.s.n.m.)
Buena señal de teléfono y buen wi-fi.
Tendrá un guía bilingüe y algunos lugareños hablan inglés o sólo lo básico en el hotel.
Jardin (Days 08-10):
Temp. Mín: 17ºC Max: 27ºC, clima ligeramente húmedo / (1750 m.s.n.m.)
Buena señal de teléfono y buen wi-fi.
Tendrá un guía bilingüe, pero los lugareños no hablan inglés.
Medellín (Days 10-12):
Temp. Mín: 17ºC Max: 27ºC, clima ligeramente húmedo / (1495 m.s.n.m.)
Tendrá un guía bilingüe y algunos lugareños hablan inglés con personal bilingüe en el hotel.
Tayrona National Park & surroundings (Days 12-14):
Temp. Min: 17ºC Max: 32ºC, slightly humid climate / (0-100 m.a.s.l.)
Señal telefónica adecuada y buen wi-fi.
You will have a bilingual guide but locals do not speak English, having staff at the hotel with just to communicate in English.
El Dorado Lodge (Days 14-17):
Temp. Min: 12ºC Max: 20ºC, slightly humid climate / (900-2100 m.a.s.l.)
No hay señal de teléfono y el wi-fi no funciona.
Tendrá un guía bilingüe, pero los lugareños no hablan inglés.
- Voltaje: 110V
- Frecuencia: 60 Hz
- Enchufes: Tipo A / B
Peso colombiano (COP) 1 USD = 3,800 COP aprox.
Es aconsejable llevar dinero en efectivo para gastos adicionales durante el viaje, ya que en algunas zonas el acceso a cajeros automáticos y datáfonos puede ser limitado o inexistente:
Parque Nacional Tayrona
- El Dorado Lodge
Promovemos la reducción de la generación de residuos de plásticos de un solo uso, por lo que recomendamos traer su propio recipiente rígido no desechable para rellenar el agua en los hoteles, especialmente para los días en los que se prevean actividades al aire libre.
- La propina no es obligatoria, pero si lo considera puede dar una propina a los guías con una cantidad de 50.000 a 100.000 COP (12 a 25 USD aprox.) por día de servicio.
En los restaurantes la propina sugerida es del 10% del servicio.
- Al contrario que en el resto del país, la estación seca y la lluviosa tienen lugar en meses diferentes.
- Normalmente, la temporada de lluvias (aguas altas) comienza en enero y termina en mayo, sin embargo, empieza a ser más difícil saber con exactitud cuándo cambiará la estación.
- En temporada de aguas altas se puede llegar fácilmente a varios puntos y destinos en canoa o barco, mientras que en la estación seca habrá que caminar distancias más largas.
- En la temporada de estiaje, que va de junio a noviembre, llueve menos y es más fácil avistar fauna fluvial, pero cuando hay una fuerte sequía las lagunas y lagos pueden tener afectaciones para avistar fauna.
- Restricciones y/o preferencias alimentarias.
- Enfermedades importantes a tener en cuenta, discapacidades, alergias y/u otras condiciones médicas que puedan afectar al desarrollo de las actividades.
- Requisitos especiales para el viaje al alcance de nuestra logística.